Google Analytics Alternatives & ReviewsUsed by 84% Professionals

Google Analytics Overview




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Google Analytics, a web analytics service from Google, is an invaluable asset for business owners looking to get the most out of their websites. With real-time insights into website visits, page views, user behaviors, and more at their fingertips, businesses can analyze engagement levels and adjust content accordingly to maximize results - allowing them to make smart decisions that will help keep them ahead of the competition.

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About Google Analytics

Google Analytics Features

  • Google Analytics FeaturesAll-In-One Dashboard : Comes with a dashboard allowing users to get all the insights in one place.
  • Google Analytics FeaturesAdvanced Search Bar : Comes with an advanced search bar that uses AI to provide relevant data to users.
  • Google Analytics FeaturesReal-time User Overview : Provides real-time data about users’ data and their behavior across multiple channels.
  • Google Analytics FeaturesExploration Templates : Offers multiple pre-made templates allowing users to get an overview of traffic data.
  • Google Analytics FeaturesData Import : Allows users to import their first-party data and utilize it with their Analytics data.
  • Google Analytics FeaturesCloud-Based : Helps users to check for various insights on the go without installing the app.

Google Analytics Competitors

Google Analytics Ratings and ReviewsGoogle Analytics Ratings and Reviews

Alternatives.Co has rated
Google Analytics as 4.5



  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Trustradius
  • Capterra
Top Reviews
  • Rob DautelSr. Manager, Ecosystem



    We use Google Analytics (GA) for various external sites around our ecosystem. Not only is GA a free tool, but it's many features and new ability to connect and monitor eCommerce activity are great. It is very helpful in monitoring web traffic and activity and helping to determine next steps in marketing and web projects. It's permission based roles allow us to assign users for overall use, dashboard or reporting only, etc. We can also create users and dashboards corresponding to specific sites, regions, or products. Sure, there are things GA can't do that others can, but we find the reverse is also true. Overall GA is a very good and helpful tool especially with it's recent updates from late 2013 to the Universal Analytics engine.
    It's free. Can't beat the price. It's permissions, reporting, and dashboards allow for great flexibility for users to get what they need It has advanced features many don't know of such as eCommerce reporting tools, goals and trending tools, and a plug-in API.

  • Verified UserProfessional



    It is used to track all our traffic analysis. Along with our traffic analysis, we are also using this for conversion tracking as we set up the goals in the analytics. For now, it is only used by the Marketing department but we have a plan to introduce this platform to the whole organization.
    While Google Analytics offers amounts of information on your website performance, it is still somewhat limited. Google Analytics can be confusing and overwhelming for new users.