Elasticsearch Alternatives & ReviewsUsed by 78% Professionals

Elasticsearch Overview

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  • Large Enterprises
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Elasticsearch is an advanced tool that combines artificial intelligence with distributed search and analytics capabilities. It efficiently handles vast amounts of data, enabling rapid and near real-time storage, searching, and analysis. By leveraging indexing techniques, Elasticsearch delivers incredibly fast search responses, offering millisecond-level query results. It empowers users to efficiently explore and derive insights from their data with exceptional speed and precision.

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About Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch Features

  • Elasticsearch FeaturesLog Monitoring : Enables users to collect, analyze and visualize log data for proactive system monitoring
  • Elasticsearch FeaturesReal-User Monitoring : Allows users to have complete visibility into users' interaction and performance.
  • Elasticsearch FeaturesBuilt-in Search Analytics : Lets users track and analyze search patterns, trends, and relevancy to improve search functionality.
  • Elasticsearch FeaturesCross Cluster Replication : Enables replication of data across multiple clusters, ensuring high availability, disaster recovery, and scalability.
  • Elasticsearch FeaturesCloud Migration : Easily migrate and manage data and applications on cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.
  • Elasticsearch FeaturesSynthetic Monitoring : Allows test application performance, identifying and resolving issues before they impact real users.

Elasticsearch Competitors

Elasticsearch Ratings and ReviewsElasticsearch Ratings and Reviews

Alternatives.Co has rated
Elasticsearch as 4.3



  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Trustradius
  • Capterra
Top Reviews
  • Verified UserAnalyst



    Elasticsearch is currently our log aggregator and SIEM. It is collecting Windows Event Logs, Syslog, DNS logs and HIDS logs. We use it in the IT department, but its reach is far and wide and collects data from every domain machine we have. The problems it solves are numerous! We have dashboards set up for authentication activity, firewall event and VPN activity. With a single glance, it's easy to understand the data and move on to other tasks. In the event of an incident, the detail that is able to be gleaned is incredible. The SIEM app has a working Timeline feature that allows you to simply drag and drop events when investigating an issue. Host intrusion is done by a third-party app but is able to ship the data right to Elasticsearch for easy processing, storage, and display.
    Log storage efficiency - We have millions of events a day and are able to keep 90 days worth for under 1TB of on disk space. Dashboards - Technically through Kibana(but I consider the entire stack as part of Elasticsearch.) Dashboards are easy to manipulate and create from scratch. Many shippers have premade dashboards ready for day one, too. Speed - Have you ever searched an indexed database of 200 million events and found an answer in a matter of seconds? You could with Elasticsearch.

  • ramesh k.



    Term is very confusing (i.e. should, must) Query Structure is very complicated. Built-in GUI Component should be there

Elasticsearch PricingElasticsearch Pricing

StartingUSD 95/moBilled Monthly
StartingUSD 109/moBilled Monthly
StartingUSD 125/moBilled Monthly
StartingUSD 175/moBilled Monthly