LibreOffice Reviews
Free | Paid4.3
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- Large Enterprises
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LibreOffice's suite of tools, including Writer Document, Calc Spreadsheet, Impress Presentation, and Math Formula, covers a wide range of office requirements. Whether it's creating documents, managing data, delivering impactful presentations, or incorporating mathematical formulas, the suite provides a feature-rich and user-friendly environment to boost productivity and creativity.
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LibreOffice4.3(4788 Ratings)
LibreOffice4.3(4788 Ratings)
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- 4.3
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- 4.3
- 4.4
5.0its free and open source libre cal and drow work lige magically , i loke most libre draw its provide too much function best is edit any type doc which offer by paid software Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
2.5Most of the functionality work out the box. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
4.5LibreOffice is a versatile and accessible office suite that is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Mac. This makes it easy to share files across different platforms and maintain the same workflows. I find Writer and Calc, the LibreOffice equivalent of Word and Excel, to be packed with a wealth of features that are well-organized and provide a great user experience. Moreover, LibreOffice offers an extensive range of export options that include the most commonly used formats. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
0.0Compatibility issues. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
0.52. It does not have enough templates compared to its competitors Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
0.5The worst thing about LibreOffice is that it does not support the way of collaborative work online, something very necessary today, and it also lacks the inclusion of an email manager as it does include its direct rival of Microsoft. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
5.0LibreOffice est entirement gratuit, offre plusieurs logiciel bureautique pour la gestion de documents, facile d'utilisation et d'installation.
5.0suites bureautiques alternatives gratuites
5.0Ottima alternativa open source per la gestione di documenti. E' possibile creare, aprire e gestire documenti senza la necessit di acquistare licenze, sfruttando quasi totalmente le potenzialit dei ben pi famosi (e costosi) software concorrenti. Bene la semplicit di utilizzo, che rende questo software open source ancora pi interessante. Il software inoltre stabile e reattivo, e tutto questo rende LibreOffice un ottimo strumento gratuito per gestire i propri documenti.
10.0I currently have Microsoft Office and LibrefOfice installed in my computer and use LibreOffice way more often for a couple of reasons... Mainly my job requires me to manipulate .csv files and Excel does a very poor job of opening it (it always assumes the delimiter character is ";" while I never saw it being used in my life, everyone - and their dogs - use "," as a delimiter), so you need to rename it to .txt in order for Excel to ask you), while LibreOffice always open it correctly. The other reason is its interface. Call me a dinosaur, but I'm still not a fan of the "ribbon" interface of MS Office, while LibreOffice's interface resemble the "legacy" (pre 2003) MS office interface. The only program that I still prefer the MS option for is for presentations, but I still find PowerPoint BAD, so LibreOffice's Impress is even worse. (For context sake, I'm a designer used to Adobe Creative Cloud programs so it's natural to feel limited by presentation programs.) Im currently testing other alternatives for that. Apart from that, LibreOffice offers some programs that are way superior to MS Office's options such as "Draw" (way better than Visio), its equation editor "Math" (way better than MS Office equation editor) and "Charts". So basically LibreOffice made most of its programs "as- ood" as MS alternatives (except Impress) and took some small MS Office features (Visio/equation editor/charts) and made them into full features programs as differential. It does miss a key feature though... the CLOUD. If you don't use Office365 Cloud features, PowerPoint isn't your main application, and aren't in love with the MS ribbon interface, LibreOffice is likely an as good (or better) option for you.
Work with CSV files (MS is reeeeally bad at this and it's very important for my job). Diagrams. Formulas. Its interface (but hey, its a question of taste on this one). Format compatibility (they use Open Document Format, NOT a proprietary format as MS and are fully compatible with MS ones).
10.0We deploy LibreOffice to dozens of users that don't need a full, paid office suite and just need the basic functionality. If someone does not need the full MS Office suite LibreOffice is a great alternative and at a great price. Even businesses that don't need the full MS Suite or Outlook, in particular, can benefit from LibreOffice.
Low cost Ease of use Universal compatibility
10.0I choose to use LibreOffice because of a few reasons. I like to support the Open-Source Community - yes LibreOffice is free. You can however make a donation to the project if you choose to show support for their efforts in continuing the project and making it better and better. I also like LibreOffice because it works across platforms. It will run Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. I use Windows and Linux both and they have the same product on both platforms; [this] is a big plus to me. For mobile devices, it is my understanding that they have a viewer for Android and the ability to edit on Android is still an experimental feature. Hope to see a full Android version someday. So, if you like LibreOffice and want to see it more robust on mobile devices, I would suggest letting them know and by making a donation for supporting the efforts.
LibreOffice is a full suite of office use solutions. Those include: Writer (to work with documents - .doc, docx, and even .pdf). Calc which is a full-featured spreadsheet tool, Impress which is to do presentations and slideshows, Draw which is as it sounds - a drawing tool, Math for working with formulas, and Base which is for working with databases. There are templates for a number of items that you may need to create from time to time. It works well with most items created in Microsoft Office and the other way around. There a number of extensions that can be installed to be used to make it work for a specific purpose. Such as Code Highlighter so that code will be colored based on the syntax. I believe that plugins support some 350 or so programming languages. This is just one of the many extensions available. I just happen to like this one personally.
5.0It is used by my whole organization. I use it as my primary source for office applications usage.
It doesn't provide all the functions it should with a paid subscription. There are features that are only available with Premium and I have premium and they are still not available. Paying for the premium version doesn't provide additional services than free version Customer service is nonresponsive and has been nonresponsive for years even prior to COVID.
6.0LibreOffice was reviewed within my company as a possible replacement to Office 365 (namely the desktop applications Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). Whereas LibreOffice is an excellent program, ranking well above applications like Google Docs, it still isn't exactly a pop-in replacement for Microsoft Office. My disclaimer here is that I found LibreOffice to be excellent and would very much enjoy using it, if only it had an Outlook and OneNote application, or at least integrated with replacements for those smoothly elsewhere. Alas, the world of open source can be a little too open sometimes. The aim was to replace Microsoft Office and not have to rely on Google Docs. We initially found LibreOffice to be very easy to use and incredibly user-friendly. The problems came when we needed (see: expected) to be able to just swap out Word or Excel for Writer or Calc. The default font settings, for example, are not the same between Word, Writer, and Google Docs. This led to confusion among users, despite it being configurable. We then had issues with the way Calc works versus Excel, and transitioning our spreadsheets over would have required reworking several of our formulas in large documents. We ultimately didn't make the switch to LibreOffice due to the learning curve and nuances but are intending to review it again.
It's a step up from Google Docs, but it doesn't quite reach the heights of Microsoft Office. This might simply be because if you grew up using Microsoft Office, the nuances add up spread across the multiple pieces of software. There is no Outlook or OneNote equivalent in the LibreOffice suite. They recommend some alternative apps, and you can find suggestions on the internet, but nothing works or integrates as smoothly as the entire Microsoft Office Suite does. Though lots of templates exist, it's clear that this software is mostly supported by developers and Linux users, which doesn't number a lot of graphic designers in comparison to MacOS or Windows.
7.0I have used LibreOffice throughout my undergraduate degree, and later as the main offline office productivity suite on my Linux desktop. LibreOffice is a free and open-source office suite that includes applications for spreadsheet creation, word processing, presentations and database design. I use it to read documents, prepare presentations, and edit invoices.
Stability of the applications is a concern. It has improved over the years but expect at least a couple of crashes a month in Writer or Calc. Does not support VBA scripts if importing documents from Microsoft Office Weird formatting and rendering inconsistencies with switching between file formats or importing from MS Office.
3.0Overall: As a student, I liked using LibreOffice as an alternative to Microsoft Office, especially if a professor insisted on uploading .docx files to Blackboard or Banner with no alternative file type. However, now that Microsoft is becoming more proprietary, LibreOffice is not keeping up with the features and integration, and much of the formatting that my coworkers prize are lost when uploaded elsewhere, making LibreOffice outdated in our workplace.
4.0Overall: Libreoffice is a great free alternative to Microsoft office or 365. It has almost the same features though different icons and ways to do things so there may be a little learning curve if you normally use Microsoft office. Few more steps to save it into Microsoft formats, but it is amazingly useable and feature rich for free.
4.0Overall: Managing and editing all my document files with LibreOffice is quite easy. Not only offline, it is also available for online usage. The template in this software is not that many, but still good to be use. Overall, me and my team very satisfied using this software.
4.0Overall: I totally recommend this product, I am a faithful follower of free software and I believe that this is one of the best indispensable tools that an office for making all kinds of digital documents has little to envy to other products with very high costs.
4.0Overall: I mostly are using this software for documentation controlling for our technical operation documentation. Creating various type of document like text and spreadsheet file is doable with this document.
5.0Overall: It's Microsoft Office with it's older user interface that we are all used to. And it's free. There is no need to pay hundreds for Microsoft Office when LibreOffice does the same thing but free.
5.0LibreOffice is the best free and open source alternative to Microsoft's Office! I discovered it in 2019 and since then, I have never used another one. It has a consistent and beautiful interface, plus many advanced features, even if not as many as Microsoft... With recurring updates (even if it changes the use a bit), its suite of 6 apps are sensational. The most used are Writter, Calc, Impress and Draw. One can notice the robustness and longevity of the project, even more to the fact tha...
1.0LibreOffice is not 100% compatible with Microsoft Office so if you need to import/export to Microsoft's format you will most likely have problems. WPS Office is much more compatible. If you are looking for compatibility.
5.0It is open source and amazingly helpful piece of software, once you get used to, you won't go back to any other office package.
5.0Free, ad-free, office suite, pdf reader, pdf editor, moreover open source... Must be on your computer
5.0The best free and open-source Office Suite ever!
4.0Ease of use, ability to open other formats.
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