Raven Tools Alternatives & ReviewsUsed by 75% Professionals

Raven Tools Reviews

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Raven Tools is a cloud-based SEO and reporting platform, empowering businesses with tools to boost online presence. It optimizes organic and paid traffic, leading to better conversion rates. Its user-friendly interface and data-driven insights efficiently manage and grow online operations, proving valuable for digital marketing success. The addition of marketing reports, site auditor, keyword rank checker, and link spy enhances its capabilities, making it a reliable and versatile solution for optimal marketing results.

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Raven Tools
4.4(458 Ratings)
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Top Comments by G2
Positive Comments
  • Verified User

    I use their SEO audit tool to identify issues that require attention. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

  • Troy P.Owner

    I chose this tool for its automated reporting and the ability create custom reports using data from various platforms like Google Ads, Google Analytics, Bing Ads, Facebook, etc. I have a number of regular reports I create monthly for clients that includes this data. It also gives you access to data from tools like Majestic SEO without needing your own subsciption. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

  • Umesh Kumar J.d

    Every feature of Raventools saves a lot of time and effort whether to audit any website for Seo Improvement or research keywords or keep an eye on competitors. Overall the experience is great with Raventools. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Negative Comments
  • Verified User in InternetSmall-Business(50 or fewer emp.)

    blindside changes to UI, Tools stop working for no reason, Tech support takes 24+ hours to respond to email with the worst possible responses (links to unhelpful articles) Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

  • Joshua B.Founder

    The keyword rank checker is so buggy it is barely usable. The keyword manager will delete some keywords and not others making management frustrating. The support only answered me when i mentioned refund and charge-back and was unable to grant a refund due to their policy even during their trial period. It was one of the worst SEO app experience I have had in my 20 years of web development experience! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

  • Verified User in Computer SoftwareMid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

    Lack of support. Upgraded system broke. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Top Comments by GetApp
Positive Comments
  • David C.Primary/Secondary Education

    Me encanta el diseo que muestra, la uso para la organizacin de mis proyectos publicitarios. Me resulta de mucha utilidad la manera de como genera mis informes.

  • Anonymous ReviewerE-Learning

    Est diseado para que sea fcil de navegar, lo que lo hace ideal para principiantes y profesionales. Existen muchas herramientas integradas, como un rastreador de palabras clave, un rastreador de vnculos y una herramienta de informes, que le permiten obtener datos precisos y detallados para realizar anlisis y tomar decisiones de negocios informadas. Adems, tambin ofrece un excelente servicio de atencin al cliente para responder cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.

  • Brice T.Banking

    The organization is very complete and offers multiple features ..the simplicity of the interface amazes me and offers keywords to search

Negative Comments
  • Anonymous ReviewerHealth, Wellness and Fitness

    Lacks features and ease of use. Reporting is When canceling the billing cycle, the usage stops, so you cannot login and use the software for the remainder that you have paid for.

  • Anonymous ReviewerMarketing and Advertising

    It does not integrate with all the major social networks and over the course of using it they kept raising prices over and over.

  • Jessica H.Internet

    The content to wordpress tool - broken, technical audit tool - most likely the worst I have seen.

Top Comments by Trustradius
Positive Comments
  • Jennifer LongInternet Marketing Manager | SEO Specialist

    RavenTools is used everyday by our search marketing department. We've found it an invaluable tool for tracking outreach, contact information, opportunities, log in details, and other important information for specific sites on a client-level basis. In addition RavenTools connects with the Google Search Console, Google Adwords, Google Analytics, and uses Majestic SEO's backlink data in reports. My favorite tool for new clients is the site audit, which renders a simple but powerful report highlighting issues that need to be fixed like semantic data, visibility issues, and duplicate content or title tags. I highly recommend RavenTools for other SEOs and content marketing teams!
    Organizes contact details, outreach, and log in information for websites. Reports: Audits, analytics, performance. Easy Integration via browser extensions and API key.

  • Bret WilliamsE-Commerce Business Manager

    RavenTools is being used to continually analyze our SEO performance. We monitor ongoing progress with how well we are addressing SEO issues. We also use RavenTools to monitor our conversions from AdWords and organic traffic. RavenTools provides us a centralized place to monitor all online marketing activities. It also gives us reports to share with our team and management.

  • Kim TannerMarketing Communications Specialist

    I use RavenTools to track our social media pages in more detail than what is provided by the social media site. Facebook and LinkedIn provide stats, however RavenTools provides much more detailed stats. I love the keyword tool. It shows you what people are searching for, and which websites come up first with certain keywords, and how much they are paying for those keywords. I also love the competitor tool. I can track our competitor, their online presence and their keywords, to see how they are doing in terms of SEO. It compares their online presence to ours, which is great to see. Very helpful.
    Competitor tracking and comparison Social media stats in detail Keyword reports and rankings

Negative Comments
  • Verified UserAnalyst

    RavenTools was being used to manage the online presence of multiple clients looking for SEO optimization and PPC and SMM campaigns. I was the only individual involved in using the product, but the custom reports we were able to generate for clients and sales meetings were key to the company's closing of content strategy contracts.
    SERP Tracking - compared to MOZtools, Raven's SERP tracking is a bit more difficult to handle. Having easy to use actionable dashboard charts are something that was sorely needed. SEO Management - it may not be the bread and butter of the suite, but I feel like Moz does this better. It was why I switched over to Moz.

  • Laren HelmsPublic Relations & E-commerce Manager

    We currently use RavenTools solely within the marketing department to manage and track analytics across three different websites owned by Action Target. One website is dedicated to B2B lead generation while the other two are dedicated to online sales of consumable products. In the past, we've used RavenTools to track social media engagement, compare SEO health of our own sites to competitors', discover backlinks, create automated reports, and perform site audits.
    I've stopped using the automated reports. They still arrive in my inbox every Monday morning, but they're not providing the data I need. One, the great looking graphs that you see online are replaced with really bland graphics that often have scale issues (e.g., the vertical axis on the bounce rate graph goes up to 400% making it impossible to see any kind of variation). Two, you can't drill down the data you want reported. It won't report specific data like conversion rates for mobile and tablet users vs. desktop users. It only reports generic metrics which are rarely actionable and usually don't mean a thing. Three, there are often formatting issues within the report (not a huge issue, but it does look bad when I'm sending it to executives). Four, it's really difficult to make sweeping changes to different reports. If you decide there's a specific stat you want to include in the reports you've already created (not too specific, mind you, because that's not possible), it takes a long time and a lot of effort to make the changes. The analytics portion of RavenTools leaves much to be desired. It's basically a reformatting of what you can find in Google Analytics, but without all of the flexibility. I would much rather see my web stats in GA where I can drill down the data and make better comparisons across acquisition, behavior, and conversions. RavenTools recently redesigned the analytics portion of its website to present the numerical data found underneath the line graph on top in a different way, but it mostly just turned it into a sea of red and green boxes that is difficult to read. The SEO portion of RavenTools isn't very user friendly and doesn't adequately explain what certain metrics are and how they're calculated. For instance, under Campaign->Site Performance, it shows SEO metrics for your site compared to competitors' sites. Two of the metrics provided by Magestic SEO (Trust Flow and Citation Flow) have the exact same definition and are apparently calculated "by the number citations (sic) to a given URL, (sic) or domain." That tells me nothing. Also, there's no explanation for why Majestic SEO and Moz calculate backlinks so differently. When there's a difference of nearly 100% in those statistics, it make you wonder how accurate they are and what they're actually measuring. There are content errors found throughout the RavenTools website. This doesn't necessarily affect the functionality (except when those errors prevent you from understanding what a certain metric is and how it's calculated), but it does reflect on the quality of the service in general. I tend to distrust websites that are full of textual errors, and it tells me that they don't put a lot of effort into the user experience (especially since some of the most glaringly obvious errors haven't been fixed in more than a year).

  • Verified UserDirector

    RavenTools is used in our marketing department as a tool for both our own business and our customers. We primarily use it for website audits for SEO purposes because it makes addressing issues with search easy to fix. We also use it to track who is linking back to our sites.
    The reports are very amateurish. The graphs are too big and the size can't be changed. Even with the customization they offer (adding your logo) the reports are too basic looking to present to clients. They are also all in black and white, which is a huge issue for us. They're just not impressive enough to show clients. The keyword ranking system is difficult to understand because they use a different method than some other search ranking monitoring services that are on the market. They aren't very good at explaining the discrepancies between their software and their competitors'. Customizing the reports is too time consuming.

Top Comments by Capterra
  • Ron H.Owner

    Overall: It's been good but a mixed bag. Lots of tools, lots of options, lots of reporting but as social media became a GREAT foot in the door for SEO, as SEO gets redefined AS anywhere you find information INCLUDING social, dropping the social media monitor was a very dumb decision on their end. Adding a collaborative module could only help make our businesses grow.

  • Brian R.Web Developer

    Overall: Overall it has been a great experience, I sat in on a couple of your Webinars about the new features coming out. Your software is less confusing than others that I have used and seems to be more accurate about keyword ranking for sure. Keep up the good work!

  • Jake H.CEO

    Overall: Very good! We transitioned over from SEMrush and it's a night and day difference. SEMrush is fairly complicated to use and does not cater to smaller businesses. Raven Tools gives us all of the tool necessary to perform effective SEO and detailed reporting.

  • Katie C.Digital Services Director

    Overall: All in all, we have been happy with our Raven experience. The reports are very customizable and visually appealing.

  • Brian B.Partner

    Overall: We have used it with many clients, but are now starting to work with other tools that offer more features.

  • Frank P.Verified LinkedIn UserSEO

    Overall: what is the "path" customers took to find our page and buy/call?

Top Comments by Alternativeto.net
  • bolabada1009

    Decent agency analytics & reporting. Some of the UI is messy, but not a deal breaker.