Workzone Alternatives & ReviewsUsed by 78% Professionals

Workzone Overview




(Alternatives.Co rating)

Workzone makes project management simple and straightforward. Its comprehensive suite of features, from the group calendar to approvals workflow, enables teams to keep up to date on their assignments while also ensuring all activities are reviewed before proceeding. Streamline your team's workflows and make managing projects easier than ever with this powerful software solution.

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Workzone Features

  • Workzone FeaturesWorkload Reports : Allows users to add planned hours of various projects by different time periods & persons.
  • Workzone FeaturesTime Tracking : Users can track their work time on various specific tasks for project billing.
  • Workzone FeaturesGroup Calendar : Helps users to track various project tasks and events by different departments.
  • Workzone FeaturesSecure File Sharing : Users can share required files safely among their team members with a customized access limit.
  • Workzone FeaturesImage Markup : Comes with the capability of allowing users to add markup comments on an image/PDF.
  • Workzone FeaturesApprovals Workflow : Automates the process of approval workflow to improve productivity.

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Workzone Ratings and ReviewsWorkzone Ratings and Reviews

Alternatives.Co has rated
Workzone as 4.6



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  • Capterra
Top Reviews
  • Verified UserProfessional



    Our team researched multiple project management systems online, and ultimately demoed two systems: WorkZone and Basecamp. WorkZone seemed much easier to use and seemed to offer more amenities than Basecamp; after initial demos and trainings, our team felt more comfortable using the WorkZone software. We thought it was a much better value for the price, compared to other alternatives.
    WorkZone provides a clear, easy-to-manage method for organizing projects by task. You can set deadlines for each individual task to be completed and have alerts sent to you when deadlines approach. It is a great way to stay on top of the small tasks that help complete a larger project successfully! I love the fact that WorkZone allows different levels of access to projects. This way, management can have full access to all employees' work across projects and even across disciplines, while limiting the access that employees have. This only makes sense, seeing that someone in Business Development, say, does not need to be getting reminders about the Finance projects approaching. It helps employees focus on their tasks alone, while allowing management to maintain a grasp on all projects/tasks at hand. WorkZone has the wonderful feature of being able to output to an external calendar (Outlook, Google, etc.). I live by my calendar, so having upcoming deadlines for tasks and projects lined up next to my meetings significantly helps me prioritize and manage my time well throughout the week.

  • Daniel JoyceBroadcast Operations



    We used WorkZone for 4-5 years. We recently switched to a new interface that was a little more clean and client friendly. WorkZone was used throughout our entire company as a means to present our work to our clients. We would deliver roughs, sketches, scripts, ideas and much more all through WorkZone. WorkZone allows you to customize the logo for each company you work with, essentially giving all of your clients a way to login to a site that looks like it's just for them. WorkZone is easy to implement and offers a wide range of tools for sharing and development. It also has private folders that your client(s) cannot access or see. This allows for internal review without the worry of a rough leaking to your client before you had time to finesse it.
    One of the reasons we left WorkZone was due to how videos/roughs were presented. While WorkZone does allow for a customizable and professional, clean looking interface; it did not offer everything we needed when it came to cross platform integration. WorkZone was also a little more pricy compared to a few competitors. WorkZone is worth the price and we loved using it, but a competitor offered an added feature that WorkZone does not offer that tipped the scales. There is no 'library'. As an AD Agency, we have worked on a lot of different spots for a lot of different clients. WorkZone did not offer a comprehensive library for us to upload content and use for presentations purposes. If WorkZone does add this feature later on down the road, it would be a great improvement and we would give serious thought about switching back.

Workzone PricingWorkzone Pricing

StartingUSD 24/moBilled Monthly
StartingUSD 34/moBilled Monthly
StartingUSD 43/moBilled Monthly