Dundas BI Reviews
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Users find Dundas BI to be a versatile and efficient business intelligence platform. It empowers users to swiftly craft impactful dashboards and data visualizations, enhancing decision-making processes. The ability for end users to customize dashboards, generate reports, and perform ad-hoc queries is highly valued. Integrated reporting tools simplify the creation of detailed reports from complex data sets. Additionally, Dundas BI's advanced analytics capabilities enable users to uncover valuable insights hidden within their data. Overall, it's a robust solution that facilitates data-driven decision-making and empowers users to explore and utilize their data effectively.
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Dundas BI4.1(76 Ratings)
Dundas BI4.1(76 Ratings)
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- 4.4
- 4.5
- 4.1
- 4.5
5.0My favorite part of Dundas is how user friendly the application is. The system is clean, clear and flexible to the user building out the reports and dashboards to the end users. Another plus with Dundas is how easy it is to share and collaborate with others. Also important, the customer service and training can't be beat. Customer service is only an email or call away and have always been friendly and they make sure you get an answer. Their user forums have so many helpful tips and tricks. If you get stuck, you can definitely find the answer. There are no complaints here! Our company is fairly new to Dundas and we have not met a project Dundas cannot support us on. Our goal is to end use of all other tools and move only to Dundas for our weekly, monthly and yearly reporting and dashboard needs and become our main reporting tool. We still have lots to learn and know we will be fully up and running sooner than later. Review all the features and benefits. Review the cost. We reviewed several companies and determined Dundas was the best fit for us due to the features and benefits that the software and company provide. Take time to make your decision and know the Dundas is a great choice for sure! So far we have been able to use Dundas to help with identifying quality and productivity issues and successes. A benefit I love is how much customization you can add to the tool and use across departments and reports. Being able to share objects and resources across projects will save so much time. The benefits are endless at this point!
4.5For the following reasons, I support Dunda BI: On each device, you can connect, communicate and analyze data. You'll have a better understanding of data and be able to solve real-world business problems. Any data can be viewed and analyzed in real-time to help you make data-driven decisions that drive results. It can be difficult to classify data at times. I would like to see in Dundas BI, the option to select a visualization and see what filters are associated with it. I would like to see a 3D spreadsheet or graph included in Dundas BI. For the following reasons, I support Dunda BI: On each device, you can connect, communicate and analyze data. You'll have a better understanding of data and be able to solve real-world business problems. Any data can be viewed and analyzed in real-time to help you make data-driven decisions that drive results. To access business intelligence from any location. Create relevant and actionable content, perform self-service analytics, and customize reports. Visualizations can be used to build and customize dashboards and reports. Using design tools, you can personalize and professionalize dashboards. To get a complete picture of your data, you can create drills, interactive dashboards, and detailed reports. You can create any type of business intelligence report, including multi-page reports and ad hoc reports, that your business requires.
4.5I like Dundas BI, it allows you to connect and interact with any data source on any device. Provides financial reporting, human resources, sales, marketing, and supply chain management. Enable interactive dashboards through data warehousing, ETL techniques, and more chart and layout customization. You can use autosave to avoid losing your work and pick up where you left off. For larger data sets, exporting to Excel with Dundas BI is a bit slow. The technical support might be improved. I'd like Dundas BI to shorten the time it takes to implement specific choices. Recomendaciones For customizing and matching certain APIs to meet your operational needs, Dunda BI is preferred. By collecting data from many sources and creating intuitive data visualizations, you can evaluate data patterns and forecasts. Using historical data and detecting trends. You can make more informed business decisions based on data and implement best practices. You can generate your reports, run ad-hoc queries, and analyze/drill down your data and performance indicators. It can connect and integrate with any data source in real-time and on any device. They can create and monitor dashboards and reports on all their devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
4.0I really love the learning experience through Dundas. They have multiple different pathways and modes of communication available to communicate with Dundas staff as well as other Dundas BI developers and users. There is a ton of documentation out there especially considering it's smaller then some of the BI companies out there, and they continually update and add to their documentation, respond to questions and feedback the users have, and are always trying to make the experience of using their tool more friendly. Some of the "pathways" between different projects in Dundas are not completely clear. When exporting to prod we've had some problems with this. Also, it would be nice if it were a bit easier to collaborate on a project with another developer without worrying about the changes. Even though there is a revision history, I would like even more features for this, and flexibility in merging different dashboards. Dundas is a very flexible tool, so it really can be used in so many ways and can be a little overwhelming. I try to make my workflow so that it lets me learn about specific areas a little bit more all the time. Don't be afraid to learn something you don't know how to do. Try out different languages you haven't worked with before. Access the Dundas cube often - reading even material in there that I just didn't quite yet understand helped me access a lot of information at different points. I believe working in Dundas is a constant learning process, and using google, the Dundas documentation, and trying out every are of Dundas has been so helpful to me. Dundas BI has definitely cut back on time it takes to access data and offered people more empowerement with their reporting. We are very excited to use Dundas to help change the culture of our organization - the concept of such customizable, accesible, and self service BI has started to make more and more people think about what their data is being used for, and try to understand KPIS and even things as seemingly simple as asking questions in ways that are more useful to us from a data tracking standpoint.
3.5Dundas BI is an excellent platform, I have the ability to easily change existing panels. It also allows me to obtain a variety of default connectors for different media which I can access distant data more quickly. It's great, it offers me a library of visual components and I can create panels of good presence. This tool is excellent I have the facility to develop and manage reports. I would like to have a Linux installation support, it would be ideal to improve on this point. Also as for the documentation I would like it to be more explicit about the JavaScript API. It makes me a bit difficult because the predictive analysis is not carried out, and I have to make the trend data directly, it would be nice to improve this function. I may find it a bit complex with regard to flexibility, it would be great to improve, to get better services. It is a platform that integrates perfectly into commercial applications. It also facilitates real-time visual access. And it presents us with an analysis regarding data, information, excellent results and very vertiginous knowledge. It's great, it contains an administration through the web interface. It provides us in an extraordinary way, a live connection to external data. Dundas BI easy to implement and use, multifunctional tool ready to be used in any scenario. Extraordinary tool, we implement it in our company and mainly use it in all departments. It also offers us to visualize data and subtract it effectively to obtain good information. It is ideal, we usually use it to create reports and templates to BI measures for our clients. Excellent, it generates data export as, well formatted, summaries among others. It is extraordinary for our company because it has increased our marketing time to create control panels.
4.0I like the thought process behind the design of the software, and how well it can be intregrated & customized. There are quite a few different solutions that we went through & Dundas seemed to offer comparative features to everything out there, including some of the bigger boys. When we started looking at the pricing options, it became clear that Dundas was in a much better price range than it's competitors. You may lose a few bells & whistles, but I'd bet that anything in those softwares can be recreated in Dundas through some customization. Start-up was harder than I would have liked. Technically background may play a more key role here, but some of the stuff isn't quite as out of the box as we thought it would be. Learning some new techniques have helped refine some of those edges out though. We had some missteps with some of the terms of our subscription, but Dundas worked through them with us to find acceptable solutions. Early on some of the advice had directed us down some paths that helped us with our immediate concerns, but ended up needing to be redone for future changes. I'm not sure I can entirely give blame to Dundas for that, but I do think some communication about how certain things limited us would have been helpful. You may want to consider hiring a consultant to help get this set-up, unless you have developers on-staff familiar w/ web applications. We are looking for a way to display data to our customers, in a more interactive way than the flat pages we send them now. Right now, we just send lots of flat reports, that have no interaction or are likely unreviewed by our customers. Dundas will hopefully give us a more trackable, interactive & much more eye catching way to do some of those things.
5.0Dundas BI is incredibly user-friendly and provides a wide range of features to help you easily create powerful dashboards and reports.
5.0Most customisable software in existence. Clear training to learn how to use it well. Helpful support team and community.
5.0What I love most about Dundas BI is the flexibility of the product. The product is so flexible that you can accomplish almost any of your data needs inside of Dundas BI. When the UI doesn't meet your needs you can use customized scripting to accomplish your tasks. Dundas BI has a Python Analysis transform that allows you write scripts using the Python programming language to perform analysis on data. Passing parameters or setting up different dashboard actions has never been easier.
3.0there app is so complex no one wants to use the self service nothing is simple, you need to click 5 times in 5 places for sorting a table and that is due to there use of matrix and cubes
3.0The user interface is very confusing from a developer stand point. There are also numerous strange bugs that will come up in regards to permissions and data driven notifications.
3.0Customer Service can be a bit choppy. You can't "call in" for an answer, unless it's a quick one, if you need help troubleshooting something while you're in the thick of it - sorry, you need to schedule the time when things go wrong. There were other issues with being sold different licenses than what we used in our trial, with no clear understanding of the separation until after the fact. Debugging data errors, if you're working with alot of data can be a NIGHTMARE.
10.0The majority of our company employees work in remote locations. We use Dundas BI to track response times in our call center and productivity metrics for each employee.
Dundas allows me to write direct SQL statements to retrieve data from my database. I can copy and paste various elements of dashboards from one area to another, thereby reducing development time. The documentation is searchable and very extensive.
10.0Dundas BI is being used across the whole organization by every department. Our IT staff is no longer spending hours running extracts and queries against our databases for users to be able to get the data they need to make business decisions. It is also used by executives for tracking sales, revenue, billing and for forecasting.
SUPER EASY to use! Flexible, no matter what kind of data they make it easy to slice and dice quickly and easily. Alerts - these are so handy for companies that can't monitor data 24 / 7.
10.0We offer Dundas BI to our existing customer portfolio as an add on to our insurance software. Dundas BI offers a very flexible and complete BI platform that allows us to quickly solve and implement all of our customers data analytics need. We use Dundas BI to offer our clients insight into their own data, with everything from official reporting to in-house analytics.
Flexibility. Data preparation. Support. Data visualization.
5.0It is used across the whole organization. We developed quite a few of dashboards using Dundas BI and these dashboards are consumed by different users within the organization. Dundas BI is used more for data visualization purposes, such as dashboards, scorecards, reports, etc.
More scripting examples, and more detailed documentation regarding API. Came across a lot of deployment issues. No easy way of batch processing.
7.0We use Dundas Dashboard for Business Intelligence Reporting and Analysis.
7.0We currently use Dundas BI, to build operational KPI, sales driven, and platform specific dashboards. These dashboards are used by various departments, across the entire organization. These dashboards allows us to quickly identify problems within our application and resolve complex issues, as well as drive business decisions around sales, customer service and business processes.
Dundas BI can be intimidating to initial users. There are a lot of options which make the platform very flexible, which can also make some of the features difficult to implement correctly. While you don't need to be a BI expert to get information from Dundas, you do need to speak "Dundas" to build the more complex dashboards. The Dundas BI interface can be non-intuitive at times, and some tasks which should be very simple may require contacting support to find the correct way to perform them.
5.0We needed a self-service BI solution that would cover manufacturing operations dashboards and use cases. We wanted a tool that would allow for the distribution of centralized common dashboards but also allow for self-service customization. It needed to connect to multiple disparate data sources, and provide native ETL. It also needed to allow for real-time refresh capability. Finally, it needed to be affordable and scalable to our global operations footprint. DundasBI was the only solution that checked all of these boxes, and so far the tool has been a great help to reducing external spend and internal, custom-coded solutions.
4.0We are a privately held company with multiple locations using shared services for administration, accounting, HR, risk management, acquisitions and mergers. Our ERP uses IBM DB2, and Dundas letting us tap into a wealth of details that would otherwise be buried in thousand-page reports. Never before has the ability to profile previous periods and events had such speed and accuracy (our data goes back over 15 years). The access and sumarization of this data is revealing patterns and insight to the business processes. We've only just begun and are excited about our game-changing experiences!
3.0Dundas BI is a very good contender in the BI segment and has great potential. At the moment it is a tool for developers proficient with JavaScript and not recommended for end users. There are great potential with DBI. Unfortunately v4 got the wrong focus on non-essential upgrades thus put the bar high for version 5. To compete with Power BI, Tableau and QlikView DBI need much improvement on user-friendliness. If DBI can be really improved on administration and formatting and keeping the flexibility it will surpass most of it's competitors.
5.0There are so many features to this software that we learn new tricks every time we work with it, but you don't have to learn everything to start providing value to your customers. We are well ahead of schedule at moving from our old visualizations to new Dashboard and reports in Dundas. A definite productivity booster for the costly Business Analytics group and BI in general.
5.0The Creation GUI is very quirky, but the results are well worth putting up with it. I have never had an idea that I could not eventually create (sometimes, some java script is needed). The fact that they expose all of their API tools to the end user is amazing, and allows you to create some awesome things.
4.0Overall the experience is mixed but I would say when you compare it with its peers and when you look at the cost and other factors like features which the tool provides it is very useful and can be considered for your BI and reporting. It supports almost all the features of a basic BI tool.
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