Sherpany Alternatives & ReviewsUsed by 81% Professionals

Sherpany Overview




(Alternatives.Co rating)
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Large Enterprises
  • Small Businesses

Sherpany is a meeting management solution that helps in setting up, running, and managing meetings. The platform helps executives to streamline the entire meeting process to achieve business goals faster than ever, besides powering in the execution of strategic decisions, all backed within a secure environment.

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About Sherpany

Sherpany Features

  • Sherpany FeaturesCalendar Management : Manage calendars, including creating and managing events, assigning attendees, etc.
  • Sherpany FeaturesMinutes Management : Keep track of the minutes spent on specific tasks and identify areas for improvement.
  • Sherpany FeaturesData Security : Encrypts all user data that ensures your information is safe from unauthorized access.
  • Sherpany FeaturesMember Directory : Track all members' contact information, which makes it easy to find and contact them when needed.
  • Sherpany FeaturesCollaboration : Provides a user-friendly platform for collaborating on documents with other members of your team.
  • Sherpany FeaturesAccess Controls/Permission : Control who has access to specific files and folders, which helps protect your data from unauthorized use.

Sherpany Competitors

Sherpany Ratings and ReviewsSherpany Ratings and Reviews

Alternatives.Co has rated
Sherpany as 4.6



  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Trustradius
  • Capterra
Top Reviews
  • Adrian E.Financial Services



    Die Nutzung der Software ist sehr bedienerfreundlich. Sie untersttzt mich jederzeit den berblick ber die verschiedenen Sitzungen des Tages, der Woche oder des Monats zu behalten und mich, wo immer ich bin, sehr effizient auf eine Sitzung vorzubereiten. Sherpany liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag in der digitalen Transformation unserer Management- und Sitzungsprozesse. In Verbindung mit gngigen Video Konferenzlsungen untersttzt die Software jede Kombination von Prsenz- und virtueller Sitzung. Jeder Teilnehmer fhrt via Sherpany durch seine Traktanden ungeachtet seines Standortes.

  • Cornelia O.Mechanical or Industrial Engineering



    Korrektur- / Kommentarfunktion in Dokumenten / Protokollen ist nicht optimal. Rechtschreibkontrolle fr Protokolle fehlt.

Sherpany PricingSherpany Pricing

StartingUSD 81.24/moBilled Monthly
StartingUSD 47.76/moBilled Monthly
StartingUSD 39/moBilled Monthly