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Trakstar Reviews

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Trakstar seamlessly empowers HR with its all-encompassing suite, offering features like dynamic 360° feedback loops, automated reminders, and real-time dashboards for agile decision-making. Its applicant tracking, job posting, and auto-enrollment functionalities enhance talent acquisition and management, making it an invaluable asset for modern HR teams.

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4.3(753 Ratings)
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Top Comments by G2
Positive Comments
  • Gary L.Small-Business(50 or fewer emp.)

    The Trakstar platform has improved the organization of our evaluation processes. We've seen a substantial increase in on-time completion of reviews, and stakeholders have all expressed satisfaction with the platform. Customer support is very responsive. Whenever I've had a question, they have had a solution for me in minutes. Review collected by and hosted on

  • Ben B.Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

    The interface is easy to use and mostly intuitive which reduces the need for time consuming training. The customer support during implementation was outstanding making implementation simple and quick. As an administrator, I greatly appreciate the ability to proxy any employee in order to assist in troubleshooting issues that an employee or a manager may be having. Features such as the ability for employees to post notes for each other, 360 reviews, goal setting, and recommended performance improvement statements also make the program very beneficial. Review collected by and hosted on

  • Kiran C.Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

    I like that Trakstar offers so many different features. It's not my first rodeo with Trakstar because I have used it with other companies I have been before and let me tell you it never disappoints. It 's very easy to navigate and implement. We recently started using the 360 reviews and the best part is their customer support. They are very quick to respond whenever there are any glitches or if I have any questions. We use it regularly for our annual performance reviews. Another feature we use is Sales Performance. It offers a variety of metrics and it's easy for us to evaluate performance. Overall, we are happy happy with it and will continue using it. Review collected by and hosted on

Negative Comments
  • Verified User in Professional Training & CoachingSmall-Business(50 or fewer emp.)

    I also dislike their customer service and the fact that they want to continue to seek money when a client expresses financial hardship and the desire to cancel. No platform is worth 13500 and to be locked into a 3 year contract and then told that in order to get out of the contract you can pay 2500 and that's them being GENEROUS. I'm sorry but that's dumb and it's absolutely not worth upsetting clients, getting bad reviews and FORCING a client to remain with your company for more money. These people are disgustingly money hungry and would rather see small businesses suffer financially for their own gain. I am absolutely telling you that I don't recommend this company and it isn't worth the hassle of dealing with a crappy platform and company. Go with another company! Trakstar IS A SCAM. Review collected by and hosted on

  • Lydia B.Marketing Maqnager

    The lies. This system isn't smarter than using a google form, honestly probably worse. It ALWAYS glitches no matter the platform or the access is given. My trainees cant complete quizzes cause glitches, I have to log out and log back in constantly and they do not care about the annoyance of this. Do not get this system. If you ask your account manager questions they send you to the help desk. The help desk try to break down every detail so they don't actually have to try anything or do anything. Gosh, I have built our 40 modules 10 courses and 5 catalogs and I would happily get rid of it in a SECOND. They even limit the amount of answers youre allowed to give. If you want to do something in order I hope it only has 5 steps cause if it has more you cant add Review collected by and hosted on

  • Leon D.Vice President of Finance

    The interface is horrible and not intuitive. Identifying where to go as a manager to sign off or complete reviews is incredibly clunky. There are many other solutions that are more elegant and intuitive. We will probably not going to continue service with reviewsnap. Review collected by and hosted on

Top Comments by Trustradius
Positive Comments
  • Carol KoppenaalHuman Resources Management System Specialist

    We use it for our performance appraisals.

  • Stephanie UlmerDirector of Operations

    We utilize Promantek (Trakstar) as an evaluation tool. Our entire organization uses this tool for bi-annual evaluations and goal tracking.
    Customizable goals. Suggested questions with response options, but also the ability to build your own. Different rating scales. Anonymous 360 multi-rater feedback.

  • Verified UserDirector

    We use Trakstar from Promantek for our Performance Review process. We use it at all levels of the organization, from the executive officers on to other managers, and line employees. For several years we were struggling for an easy to use, across the board application that would allow us to utilize both online as well as printed reviews. This has made a great difference for us.
    Ease of use - This program has been great for the Keep It Simple mentality. It is clear, concise, and able to expand based on our needs. There is a good level of intuitiveness that goes with it... basically sorted with employees, reviews, and setup. We have been able to train managers and employees quickly and easily with the process, and simple things like clear buttons, or "Are you ready to send your review to your manager?" questions make this good for us. We have used other global programs from very large companies that didn't work well for us. The clear ability for the Administrator(s) to manage - In the past, we have had problems with managers telling us "Well, my screen shows this and that..." and yet as an Administrator I was unable to see what they were seeing as my screen was different. That is not the case with Trakstar from Promantek. Click a button and I am in as the actual user... an administrator can then see exactly what the end user is looking at. This is especially helpful with out of area locations and makes a world of difference for us. Training and Resources - Promantek's Trakstar has some great resources that reside just a couple clicks away from the main screen. When an employee logs in, they have access to all kinds of information on what they can do, how to do it, easy tricks and tips. Online documents or videos are right there on the site, with dozens if not hundreds of reference documents that explain step by step with screen pictures how things work. It has been very easy to manage training with this program.

Top Comments by Capterra
  • Grant R.COO

    Overall: Lot of issues here that I want to point out with this software: 1) This software does not do corrective actions or Performance Improvement Plans, they try to tell you that it does in the sales presentations, but this software does not do it. They will tell you about a work around, but it is so complex and contrived that your managers will never use it, I promise. 2) We were trying to get the software to allow us to do a 6 month check-in, so essentially our managers would be able to meet with our employees halfway to their annual review and check in to see how they were coming along, not to be rated, but just a checkup to see how things were going. Sounds easy, right? Well, you'd be wrong on that too, and so was I. They launched into a super complex work around, which again was way more complex than any of my managers would ever need or be able to use. 3) Whenever I first looked at signing up to use this software, I liked the seemingly easy and simple to use interface that I had seen on demos and on videos on youtube. I thought, well, it's just about loading in positions and job data, then I should be off and running with this system. Well, their estimate for getting setup is typically at least 3 months, that should tell you something. I thought that they would just be doing a lot of hand holding, turns out that what they were really doing is making up for a poor UI and UX in their system. It is next to impossible to anticipate where to go, what to click, etc. They try to make up for it with their training, but it just seemed to frustrate me more that they wouldn't fix the clear weaknesses and complexness of their interface to suit the customer. They would rather spend an hour training you on how to do something super complex, and oh, by the way, if you mention to them that something is complex, unnecessary, or just plain not intuitive, instead of take the feedback, they actually get defensive and back up their reasoning for doing whatever they are doing in a totally illogical and contrived way. They need to take a page from Google and Apple and go back to the drawing board with their system and design something from the ground up that is EASY TO USE. 4) Scoring for employees is extremely complex and contrived, just ask them to show it to you in the sales process, you will see I could write more, but I ran out of room, check out JuvodHR if you are looking for a better solution, that's where I went.

  • Katie K.Payroll & HR Admin

    Overall: Overall, I think it's a great system and so much better than the one we had before. As mentioned, it's easy to use and to navigate, and the customer service team is very quick to respond to any questions. As an administrator, I love being able to log in as others in order to see what they're seeing - it makes my life easier.

  • Mike W.Verified LinkedIn UserManager of Learning Technology Solutions

    Overall: This software has enabled us to track employee progress and performance year over year. It has been very valuable to our company as it allows us to archive a history of employee appraisals and doesn't require a paper process. This is a must-have for any business serious about the employee appraisal process.

  • MARK J.Verified LinkedIn UserGM

    Overall: Since installation we have drastically improved the consistency and timeliness of staff reviews. Also love the goals and objectives.

  • Timothy W.Verified LinkedIn UserImplementation Coach

    Overall: I like being able to go back and point out certain accomplishments to my employer during my annual review

  • Verified ReviewerVerified LinkedIn UserAssociate Director of Human Resources

    Overall: The Customer Service experience is the best. They are very responsive by both phone and email.